A Lineman Invents

Hang On Tight!

Written by Claire Fournier | May 29, 2024 at 3:33 PM

As you’re probably already aware, many gaff guards have a bad habit of falling off all the time, at the worst times. As a result, the sharp spikes of linemen’s gaffs are uncovered while not in use, risking injury to personnel, damage to equipment, and damage to the gaff itself. Why do current gaff guards fail so frequently? Because their design is sub-standard. Too simplistic. Too chintzy. Too cheap.


The Genesis of the Hook Holster:

So we set out to create a solution that would address these issues once and for all. The result? The Hook Holster, a revolutionary magnetic gaff guard that is meticulously designed to fit precisely around the gaffs of either Bashlin or Buckingham lineman climbers. The patent-pending Hook Holster has several key elements that make it the world’s best gaff guard, but today we’re going to focus on the design and core elements of its plastic frame.


Innovative Design Features of the Lower Segment:

Have you ever studied the exact shape of the spike on a lineman’s gaff? It’s sure not a circle, like the Bashlin cone-shaped gaff guard. And it’s not just a plain triangle, like the Buckingham gaff guard. A lineman’s gaff spike is actually in the shape of a triangle with gently rounded edges instead of straight lines. So the Hook Holster features a curved triangular shape that perfectly conforms to the gaff's spike. This thoughtful design is Step #1 in ensuring a snug and secure fit that meshes exactly with the contours of your gaff spike.


Innovative Design Features of the Upper Segment:

Step #2 in ensuring a snug and secure fit to your gaffs is providing a locking mechanism that keeps the lower segment in place. Even when it’s dropped. Even when it’s getting beat up by all the other heavy tools and equipment in your drag bag. Even when you’re fighting wet and muddy conditions. The key is the Hook Holster’s hinged arm that covers the top section of the gaff. This innovative feature provides an extra layer of protection, protecting the Hook Holster from getting pulled off your gaffs. It's a design element that is completely innovative, totally unparalleled in the industry, nothing else like it anywhere.



Fun fact: the Hook Holster lower segment is universal to both Buckingham and Bashlin gaffs. So a Hook Holster set designed for Bashlin will actually work on Buckingham gaffs too! For optimal fit and function however, you’d want your Hook Holster type to match the specific type of climber you use, because the Hook Holster upper segment has two versions, each tailored specifically for each type of climber. In case you’re curious, the Buckingham version is shorter, while the Bashlin version is about half an inch longer and requires slightly different spacing of internal components for optimal fit.



Both the upper and lower segments of the Hook Holster are constructed from extremely tough premium plastic that can withstand the harshest conditions on the job. So whether the Hook Holster encounters concrete, asphalt, gravel, or hard ground at the base of the pole, the Hook Holster will hold up—day after day, year after year—to all the punishment that comes with being a lineman's essential tool.


What's Next:

In our next post, we'll take a closer look at the rare-earth magnets that power the Hook Holster, providing unmatched strength and reliability.